Sunday, 4 August 2013


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 40; the fortieth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "MAKE A WISH"

It was already 1 am and Raj was not at all feeling sleepy. He was trying hard to sleep but his mind could not let him stop from thinking. His life got scattered when he was 9 as he lost his parents in an accident.  His granny brought him up. From that time only he was always working hard to be something in life. He did his MBA from IIMs and is presently working in a MNC in Mumbai. As from world`s point of view he has everything a person requires to live a luxury life... but as per her view he  have not someone to share his feelings, his world.

While thinking this all he became restless and got up and logged in to his facebook account from his lappy. he have 669 friends on his friend list but none was such with whom he can share himself.  He was trying to divert his mind but again became restless as facebook was also not helping. He become furies and was thinking why people think facebook a good timepass...

The clock was showing 3.30 am.. while checking facebook he found his classmate LAVINA from IIMs appearing online.  He msged her without any hope of getting reply.  But was relaxed as he got her reply as "Hi.. How are u?".  And then they started formal talks about their job and careers.  They also had chat relating to their college life and old memories..  

Suddenly 7'o clock alarm started to ring and he realised that it was morning.. He thanks Lavina for her lovely time and logged off as he has to go to office.
It was evening now... he was back on his way to his home.. after his hard day at office he was now thinking of his chat with Lavina. He was thinking that how nice is this girl and how he couldn't reconsigned her decency while being in college.  He thought might be because he never thought of anything else then studies and project while being in IIMs.

He was now in his bedroom logged into his facebook account hoping to see Lavina online.  And to Raj's surprise see was there.

Slowly and gradually they both started to chat regularly not only on facebook but on calls also.  They share about their day, their life, their likings, dislikings, happenings... etc.. etc.. They both were much comfortable with each other and enjoy each other company. The only thing which annoy Raj was he couldn't meet Lavina as he lives in mumbai and she in Ahmedabad.

One day while on calls Lavina just suddenly asked Raj whether he believed in destiny..?? Raj say he don't.  Lavina told her to MAKE A WISH if he see's a falling star tonight and both do that.  They wish to meet each other not if planned but by DESTINY.

Many months had passed that night. One day while back from office Raj was thinking of proposing Lavina as now he was in love with her and want to spent his life with her.  Suddenly his car got met an accident and he hit a lady.  He got so much feared that he ran from the place without thinking of the lady.  He came home and called Lavina.  But to his surprised Lavina didn't picked up his single calls.  Even she was not online that night on facebook. He was now worried for her.  In this way 10 days had passed.  He was getting furious that what suddenly happened to Lavina.  He was so much disturbed that he decided to leave for Ahmedabad. So he called up the receptionist to report that he was leaving.  But before he could say anything the receptionist said that their is a lady looking for him.. she is Miss Lavina.  Raj was surprised and couldn't control his happiness and immediately ran over the reception to see Lavina.

He was so happy to see her. But was shocked to see her hand fracture.  While talking to her he came to know that see had came mumbai to give her a surprise but was hospitalised as a barstered car driver hit her.  After knowing the whole story he started to cry and told her that he was the bastered who hit her.  

Lavina smiled at him and told this was destiny where destiny has decided their meet. 

Raj at the very moment proposed Lavina and told her that he wanted to marry her.  Lavina was silent for few moments and then said that she can't marry him.  She told that he want to marry her because he thinks he was responsible for her condition and not because he loved her.  Raj tries to explain her but it was all useless as deep inside he knew that Lavina was right.  And Lavina couldn't marry someone who was showing sympathy on her....

So Lavina left Raj... But with such huge amount of memories.. and a pain.. 

Their WISH to meet came true... but destiny had changed their ways.....



The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respectiveposts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count- 4